Virtual Angle Certified hardware has passed our extensive testing and review process to make sure that Virtual Angle software runs well out of the box and it is ready for your business. We work closely with OEMs to jointly make Virtual Angle software available on a wide range of devices.
Virtual Angle Server certified hardware
Using Virtual Angle speeds up the ability to deploy physical infrastructure on bare metal as it is in the cloud.
Deploying on certified servers saves you time in choosing and testing what hardware you will use from a single server instance to the largest scale-out data-center environments.
Virtual Angle certified hardware is supplied as Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS).
Hardware-as-a-service (HaaS) is a procurement model that is similar to leasing or licensing.
In the hardware-as-a-service model, hardware that belongs to Virtual Angle BV is installed at a customer’s site and a service level agreement (SLA) defines the responsibilities of both parties.